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About Me

David Li Profile Image

I am a Software Engineer in Google AR & VR. I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park advised by Professor Amitabh Varshney. My research interests are in delivering immersive content with 360 videos and neural representations. Previously, I have also worked on projects involving VR data visualization (MeteoVis) and interactive 3D graphics (Geollery).


Image for Continuous Levels of Details for Light Field Networks
Continuous Levels of Details for Light Field Networks

More LODs allows for smoother transitions and more granular adaptivity to available resources.

Published in BMVC 2023.

Image for Progressive Multi-Scale Light Field Networks
Progressive Multi-Scale Light Field Networks

Light field networks with levels of detail to optimize rendering and reduce flickering.

Published in 3DV 2022.

Image for OmniSyn 360 View Synthesis
OmniSyn 360 View Synthesis

Interpolating between synthetic 360 images using 360 depth prediction and inpainting.

Published in IEEE VRW 2022.

Image for Visualizing Accessibility With Choropleth Maps
Visualizing Accessibility With Choropleth Maps

Visualizing average distance queries using Leaflet choropleth maps and roadsindb.

Published in ACM LocalRec 2021 (SIGSPATIAL Workshop).

Image for Foveated 360° Video Streaming
Foveated 360° Video Streaming

Foveated 360° video streaming with reduced flickering using a log-rectilinear transformation.

Published in IEEE TVCG (VR 2021).

Image for MeteoVis VR Weather Visualization
MeteoVis VR Weather Visualization

3D visualizations of water vapor, clouds, and wind data from ALPW and GOES.

Published in ACM CHI EA 2020.

Image for Geollery

A mixed reality social media platform where you can interact with friends in realtime or leave messages for them to find later.

Published in ACM CHI 2019 and ACM Web3D 2019.